Thursday, April 28, 2011

DREAM??make it achievable, not extreme

DREAM? everyone has it
be it ordinary or extraordinary
having dreams make u feel like living human
not having a dream makes u a walking zombie

i have big dream, but i think not really big la
i guessed my dreams were as simple as everybody's
yalur, normal and simple dream, who would call it extraordinary?

my dreams were:
*have big house (like one i built in Sims3)
*have extra certificate (master degree, PhD, blablabla...)
*gain weight to my normal BMI (ini pun ada ka?)
*errr... owning 5 cats! meowwwww
*have good reliable car (hate sending car to workshop)

actually i have many dreams, but i forgot them while writing this
anyway, having extreme dream is not a sin
but make it achievable by putting step-by-step milestones towards it
this way, u'll achieve your dream sooner without feeling like superwoman@superman!

have fun achieving your dream!


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